“We believe that we need to leave the world a better place than we found it. By focusing on medical electronics, we use our talents to advance the state of the art and to improve the lives of those around us. It is a thrill to work with our development team: taking vague ideas, refining their design, making working prototypes, and delivering finished products to happy customers. Our ability to handle both design and manufacturing in-house sets us apart from many other design-only or manufacturing-only houses. By doing more here at Indus Instruments, we can go further to improve customer satisfaction and contribute to their research.”
In 1992, Dr. Sridhar Madala assembled a team to research, design, manufacture, and sell devices to solve complicated problems. Here at Indus Instruments, we work hard making products both for direct sale to researchers and for a wide range of outside clients.
Research Products: Indus Instruments has collaborated closely with researchers at Baylor College of Medicine for over a decade. This collaboration has resulted in many NIH SBIR grants and publications for Dr. Madala and colleagues at Indus Instruments, along with several products for cardiovascular researchers worldwide. Go to our Products page to learn more.
Engineering: Since its founding, Indus Instruments has worked with outside clients to develop products with sales in the tens of millions of dollars. Go to our Engineering site to learn more about a selection of our projects in the biomedical, petrochemical, and other industries.
Sridhar Madala
Founder and President
Anilkumar K Reddy
Consulting Senior Scientist
Walter Caro
Software Architect
Juan Tovar
Manufacturing Manager

Baylor College of Medicine (BCM)
Indus Instruments has been closely collaborating with world class researchers at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston for the past 20 years. We have successfully worked on many joint Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer Program (STTR) projects funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Our collaboration has resulted in commercial products, currently manufactured and marketed by Indus, for cardiovascular and other preclinical researchers that enable the doppler ultrasonic monitoring of mice, as well as the temperature control and heart rate monitoring of mice. We have numerous joint publications with BCM and are currently engaged in a number of additional SBIR projects.

Los Alamos National Laboratories (LANL)
We continue to collaborate with researchers from Los Alamos National Labs (LANL) to develop the electronics for instrumentation based on the principle of swept frequency acoustic interferometry (SFAI). This technique enables non-invasive ultrasonic interrogation of fluid filled containers (pipes, artillery shells, etc.) to extract a variety of material properties and can be used in a wide range of fields (chemical weapons treaty compliance verification, contraband detection, octane rating of gasoline, etc.)

Institute of Biomedical Engineering (IBME) Kiev, Ukraine
Working with researchers from the Institute of Biomedical Engineering in Kiev, Ukraine, we developed the electronics for ray tracing aberrometers that generate a map of the refractive errors for the human eye. Such instruments are useful for providing accurate diagnostic data needed for custom Lasik surgeries. The end result of our collaboration with IBME is the Visual Function Analyzer for Tracey Technologies Corporation, which we continue to manufacture the electronics under an OEM agreement.