Juan oversees all manufacturing & procurement efforts. He has brought a wealth of manufacturing knowledge and experience with him from previous roles. At Space Systems/Loral he worked on communications satellites, and at Kestrel Solutions he worked on long haul fiber optics systems. His work at Picarro was with their Cavity Ringdown Spectroscopy technology. He assisted with the transition from device design to production at Diagnostic Systems Laboratory and headed up production of a 96 well microplate luminometer. While at Positron he headed up the procurement and manufacturing of PET scanners systems. He holds an associates degree in Electronics from DeVry University.
Archive for Profile Category: Indus Team

Walter Caro
Walter designs and implements custom embedded and client-side software. He coordinates with our other software engineers and works with our hardware electronics team to implement a combined hardware and software system that works as one. His areas of expertise include Ultra-Low Power Software Design, Digital Signal Processing, Real-Time Controls and Visualization of Complex Data. He holds a bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering from Rice University.

Sridhar Madala
Sridhar holds a doctoral degree (1988) and a Masters degree (1985) in Electrical & Computer Engineering from Rice University, and a bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras (1982). He was the V.P. of Engineering from 1988 to 1990, and the President from 1990 to 1992, at Coherent Systems, a Houston based medical device start-up that developed one of the earliest computerized electrophysiology recording and analysis devices. He founded Indus Instruments in 1992.