WEBINAR: Examining New Research Capabilities and Technology for Preclinical Telemetry in Rodents

WEBINAR: Examining New Research Capabilities and Technology for Preclinical Telemetry in Rodents

For many years rodent telemetry researchers have struggled with limited data collection flexibility, challenges of scalability and a combination of high setup and operation costs that have combined to limit research applications, leaving significant preclinical findings undiscovered. Implant communication interference has demanded special install conditions, systems were too bulky and implants were constantly being explanted and returned for service. This webinar presents new telemetry technologies that address these challenges and introduce exciting capabilities to preclinical researchers working with rodent models.

In this exclusive webinar, Dr. Anil Reddy and Graham Sattler discuss new research possibilities and advantages that a recently released telemetry system brings to mouse, rat and other small animal researchers. They present novel data collection protocols and show how long-term monitoring, device recovery and reuse, study scalability and social housing are enabled with the MouseMonitor Telemetry system

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